Here where darkness fills my slumber
Invading dreams with dreams
A world of shades and soundless shapes
Never resting teems
No morn will come nor dreaming end
Lest dreams within my dreams
Where moonlight filters through the brume
And no starlight gleams
Warmth nor comfort provide that light
To dreams as winter cold
Or windswept ground and barren stone
Where none is condoled
Here where laughter turns to toil
And joy becomes a chore
Where one may dream of ending dreams
Trapped beneath the hoar
When weary, tired, comfort calls
Obligation smiles keep
So laughter's effort will not fail
Children that would weep
In dreams I haunt these empty halls
Yet void of memories
Where fire simply turned to frost
Quenched by Erinyes
Those furies drawn so long ago
Their vengeance absolute
They dreams enough for all the world
Ended at the root
But they remembered Sisyphus
As they hewed new dreams of stone
And set my shoulder to the task
Never to atone
So here in dreams of memories
Lie memories of dreams
Where endless teeming shapes and shades
Mouth their soundless screams
-BA Lawson
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